Sunday, October 11, 2015

Chastity and Shyness

Dear Friends,

The following is an excerpt from one of Mother Devaki's recent diary entries.  I liked it so much I decided to share it with you here on my blog.  Devaki devi dasi conducts regular seminars in different locations around the world to help devotees understand Lord Sri Krsna's wonderful spiritual culture.  I have personally attended two of her seminars--Giving and Accepting Shelter and Women in Spiritual Culture--both of which I highly recommend.  If you would like to attend one or more of her seminars, you can find information here.

Chastity - what exactly does it
mean? These days we often have a very shallow and superficial understanding
of this most important quality, and since women in materialistic culture
don't aspire for it at all, the term is therefore almost lost and forgotten
today. I distinctly remember how I was preaching at a Sunday program many
years ago in Sydney, Australia, and I mentioned this term “chastity” to
some newcomers. One of the ladies exclaimed with a thousand question
marks written all over her face: "Chastity? What's THAT??"
Also in the German language the term chastity (Keuschheit) sounds like
something from the Middle Ages.

The two main tools for a woman to cultivate chastity are tolerance and
shyness. Unless a woman is tolerant, she will demand, complain, answer
back, get disturbed at the slightest provocation and inconvenience, and can
easily leave her husband and walk out. Tolerance is a most important
quality within spiritual practice. It is the main criterion in order to
measure a devotee's advancement and spiritual strength. Tolerance indicates
that the false ego is subdued and reduced. Prahlada Maharaja and Haridas
Thakur are always famous examples for the topmost level of tolerance. Also
Devahuti serves as a wonderful example of a wife following her husband in
utter tolerance and submission. And she received such outstanding rewards—
great opulences in the flying mansion which Kardama Muni created, and
finally giving birth to the Supreme Lord Himself! What more would a woman
desire?! She received those wonderful benedictions by paying the price of
serving her husband in tolerance and submission. The main tools for
cultivating tolerance however are humility and firm faith in Krsna. Unless
these two elements are there, it will be impossible for a person to be

Of course, in material life tolerance is not given any credit at all,
In fact, it is seen as weakness. Very often we hear people say: "I'm not
going to tolerate this. Who do you think I am....!?" and "How long should I
tolerate this nonsense?!" It is considered to be a sign of strength and
victory not to tolerate. However, within spiritual life the values are the
diametric opposite.

To perform tapasya is of greatest importance for spiritual progress--not
only for men, but also for ladies. There are many purports where Srila Prabhupada
describes the purifying effects of tapasya. All great personalities such as
Dhruva Maharaja, Lord Brahma, and the Pracetas, received great mercy and
empowerment by performing tapasya. For a woman, the field of tapasya is
within marriage and family life. This is her ksetra to engage in tapasya
and cultivate tolerance, and if she does so she will become spiritually
strong and very powerful.

The quality of shyness is also commonly misunderstood in a rather shallow
and superficial way. We often confuse shyness with mentalness and being on
the bodily platform. As a rule when a woman is "too shy" to say anything,
it is rather her being too self-conscious and on the mental platform,
fearing to make a fool out of herself. But this actually is not shyness.

In the purport to SB.1.9.27 Srila Prabhupada very nicely describes the quality
of shyness as follows: "As far as women class are concerned, they are
accepted as a power of inspiration for men. As such, women are more
powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra. Such
powerful women are controlled by shyness. Therefore, shyness is important
for women. Once this control valve is loosened women can create havoc in
society by adultery...."

The analogy of shyness being a control valve is simply excellent. And this
control valve is meant to keep the powerful feminine energy within and stop
it from bursting out into the world. Shyness means to resist the temptation
of enjoying the effects of one's powerful feminine energy--even on the
most subtle levels. It means a woman resists the temptation to show off.
This is shyness. And as Srila Prabhupada describes, once this control valve is
loosened, women can create havoc in human society. This is what is going on
in these modern days. Any woman can bewilder any man if she tries hard
enough; such is the power of the feminine energy. Therefore it has to be
controlled through shyness. Today women as a rule have lost this quality,
and shyness is rarely to be found, even within ISKCON.

In SB.1.10.16 Srila Prabhupada gives another detailed elaboration on the quality
of shyness: "Out of loving desire to see the Lord, the royal ladies of the
Kurus got up on the top of the palace, and smiling with affection and
shyness, they showered flowers upon the Lord."
Purport: “Shyness is a particular extra natural beauty of the fair sex, and
it commands respect from the opposite sex....This incident from the
Mahabharata period proves definitely that the ladies of the palace observed
strict parda (restricted association with men), and instead of coming down
in the open air where Lord Krsna and others were assembled, the ladies of
the palace went up on the top of the palace and from there paid their
respects to Lord Krsna by showers of flowers. It is definitely stated here
that the ladies were smiling there on the top of the palace, checked by
This shyness is a gift of nature to the fair sex and it enhances their
beauty and prestige, even if they are of a less important family or even if
they are less attractive. We have practical experience of this fact. A
sweeper woman commanded the respect of many respected gentlemen simply by
manifesting a lady's shyness.
Half-naked ladies in the street do not command any respect, but a shy
sweeper's wife commands respect from all...shyness is a check to the
unrestricted mixing. It is nature's gift and it must be utilized."

As we know, men become very powerful when they resist the temptation to
enjoy the effects of their powerful energy of procreation on a gross level.
If they keep their semen within, they become very effulgent, with sharp
memory and intelligence, good health and vitality. Every serious sportsman
knows the glories of celibacy.

A similar principle is there for ladies, but on a more subtle level. If a lady
keeps her powerful energy within, she can use it on higher levels and thus
become spiritually very powerful and extraordinarily attractive, indeed
even fascinating. But when this feminine energy is wasted for sexual
attraction and sense enjoyment, even in a more subtle way such as showing
off her beautiful body, the control valve is loosened, which then can
create disturbances, and ultimately she becomes contaminated and
spiritually weak. However, when this powerful feminine energy is kept
within through the control valve of shyness, a woman can use it on higher
levels for spiritual practice, poetry, arts and music, and she will bring
about good fortune, fame, wealth and all auspiciousness. She will become
the auspicious source of energy to men--a minute representation of Laxmi
Devi, the Goddess of Fortune. And she will manifest a forever fascinating
womanhood for her husband.

These deep secrets to the extraordinary strength and beauty of a woman are
unfortunately lost and forgotten today--even amongst us ISKCON devotees.
Once we understand more deeply the importance of shyness, it becomes very
clear that a truly chaste woman would for example never even want to be in
the front of a harinam parade, showing off her feminine beauty. Such
practices, even for preaching purposes, make a subtle change to a woman's
consciousness by increasing the bodily identification, and thus
contaminate her. Therefore some leaders in ISKCON (for example in
Ukraine) have passed a national resolution that the ladies are not meant to
be in the front of the harinam procession but should go behind the men, protected
by a couple of grhastha men who walk right in the back behind them.

The same principle is upheld when a woman covers her head. It has a
subtle yet very powerful and transformational effect on her consciousness.
It helps her to cultivate shyness, humility and submissiveness--qualities
which are so important for any woman to cultivate in order to happily
progress in Krsna consciousness. Interestingly enough, in all spiritual
cultures we find that women are expected to cover their heads. In Ukraine a woman
cannot even enter a Russian Orthodox Church unless she covers her head with
something--at least a little handkerchief.

These days, we are deeply influenced and conditioned by materialistic
propaganda around us, which measures a woman's success by how attractive
her body is. This conditioning takes very subtle forms and easily
creeps into our spiritual practice.

Only when I started to preach in Bangladesh could I understand what Canakya
Pandit means when he says that the beauty of a woman is in her chastity.
Still today the Bangladeshi ladies have this quality of chastity deeply
ingrained in their hearts. It keeps the atmosphere within society very
pure, and makes the ladies almost a different species of women--with
extraordinary beauty and spiritual strength.

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