One should always be careful to keep his body clean
by bathing, brushing teeth, shaving, changing clothes, etc.
As far as internal cleanliness is concerned,
one should always remember the holy names of God and chant
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare
Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare.
Bhagavad-gita 16.7 Purport
In the 1950s there was a doctor who did a survey among 1200 husbands and wives. He asked them to help him write a questionnaire for men and a similar questionnaire for women, so that one could determine whether one is a good spouse or a not-so-good spouse. Each question, if answered affirmatively, gives the person who is taking the test a merit. If answered negatively, the test-taker earns a demerit. At the end of the test, the total is supposed to give the test-taker an idea as to his or her status as a good, average, or poor spouse. In the test composed by men for women, there is a space in which a wife gets a positive score if she is healthy, or, if she is unfortunately not of such good health, if she is at least non-complaining and cheerful despite her ill health, she gets a point.
Obviously, it is important to men that their wives be healthy. And if they are not healthy, at least they should be cheerful. If a woman is unhealthy and complains about her ill health, it is a drag on her husband's spirits. It is important to men that their wives be cheerful. And it's easier for a woman to be cheerful if she is healthy.
Proper eating--key to good health
Our ayurvedic doctor explained to us that the fire of digestion is the key to good health. He gave us a little print-out several years ago that reminds us to exercise daily as well as to establish good, healthy eating habits. Good eating habits coupled with exercise help us to keep our fire of digestion burning nicely, which encourages good health. The paper reads like this:
Eat when you are hungry.
Don't eat when you're not hungry.
Drink when you're thirsty.
Don't drink when you're not thirsty.
Don't drink liquids to fill your stomach when you're hungry.
When you eat, fill your stomach 1/2 full with solid foods, 1/4 with liquids, and leave 1/4 empty for air circulation. This air aids the fire of digestion.
Eat food while it's still fresh and warm.
Avoid eating left-overs.
Avoid mixing raw, uncooked foods with cooked foods.
If possible, remain silent while eating. It helps digestion.
Exercise every day to the point of perspiring.
Go to sleep at night before 11:00 p.m.
When you rise in the morning, clean your teeth and mouth immediately, then drink at least 3-4 glasses of water.
Our doctor explained to us that God is a person and that in His form as jataragni (the fire of digestion) He is kindly digesting whatever we eat. So we should eat the right amount, so as not to overburden Him. It should not be too much, or we will "put out" the fire of digestion, and that's an offense to the Lord in His form as jataragni.
Srila Prabhupada also told us that in order to stay healthy, we should keep our bodies clean and regulated. Regulated means to do the same thing at the same time every day, as far as possible. One specific rule of cleanliness that Srila Prabhupada gave us is this: "early morning bath [before or during sunrise] is obligatory for all." If we can take a cold or at least a cool bath, that is very good for the circulation and for the immune system. If due to ill health we're not able to take a cold bath, if possible we can at least end our bath with a cool rinse. That is better than leaving our pores open for bacteria to enter and cause or exacerbate disease.
We are aspiring to become yoginis, ladies. Aspiring yogis (and yoginis) are recommended by Lord Sri Krsna Himself in the Bhagavad-gita to not overeat or undereat, and to get enough sleep, but not too much. "One cannot become a yogi if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough." (Bg 6.16)
Health of the subtle body
Along with physical health, it's up to us to keep ourselves happy. A peaceful mind actually leads to a healthy body. We all know that we, the soul, are covered by both a gross, external, physical body made up of earth, water, fire and air, and a subtle body made up of mind, intelligence and ego. We have all heard, too, that disease starts in the subtle body and later manifests in the gross body. If our minds are agitated, stressed, worried, angry, bored, depressed or lonely, those negative emotions generate disease in the gross body. So we need to do whatever is necessary to keep our minds peaceful.
First and foremost, the best way to stay peaceful and happy is to always remember Krsna and never forget Him. Krsna is our best friend. He carries what we lack and preserves what we have, so if by our nature we have a tendency toward anger or depression or some other negative emotion, by taking shelter of Krsna constantly through the chanting and hearing of His holy names, glories and pastimes, we are in the safest position. We are protected by Him. Keeping our bodies clean, well-groomed and attractive as well as regulated also aids in maintaining mental health as well as physical health. Women sometimes say, "When I look good, I feel good." It's true. Beyond that, we must use our intelligence to create a clean, orderly, peaceful atmosphere in our home. A peaceful home is conducive to the calm that we and our family are in need of. When our family members are peaceful, we can be more peaceful.
Aside from these suggestions, I would like to proffer another idea, based on my own personal experience. I have found that when I am working on a creative project, my mind is happy. I feel enlivened and inspired when I am creating something that I feel will be enjoyed by others and will inspire them in Krsna consciousness. So this is my suggestion: choose a project that is in keeping with your talents, and begin it. Whether it involves sewing, crocheting, knitting, cooking, writing, singing, playing a musical instrument, drawing, painting, dancing, drama, cooking, baking, decorating, or some other art, do what is inspiring to you, and do it as nicely as you can for Krsna's pleasure. If you keep a creative project of some kind always in the making, you will always be excited to find some time in your busy day to work on it, and when it's completed, you can offer it to Krsna with love and devotion. For me, there really is nothing more satisfying than this. And when we feel satisfied, happy and inspired, we stand a much better chance of remaining healthy, both mentally and physically, than if we neglect our creative urges.
Spiritual health is essential
Mental and physical health are important. Spiritual health is even more important. Spiritual health is essential. After all, we are spirit. The body, made up of both subtle and gross elements, is a temporary, material vehicle that we're riding around in. It has to remain in good working condition in order for us to be able to keep using it for rendering service. But the soul inside? That's who we really are! Spiritual health is maintained by obeying and serving our guru and our pati-guru, chanting our japa with full attention and devotion, depending on Krsna in the form of His holy names to kindly engage us in His service and purify us of all our anarthas. "One should always be careful to keep his body clean by bathing, brushing teeth, shaving, changing clothes, etc. As far as internal cleanliness is concerned, one should always remember the holy names of God and chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare / Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare." (Bg 16.7 Purport) Spiritual health is maintained by reading Srila Prabhupada's books daily, by associating with and serving pure Vaisnavas, by serving the Deity, by cooking and offering nice vegetarian dishes to Lord Sri Krsna and then honoring His spiritual remnants, by worshiping Srimati Tulasi devi and by living in a holy place. Living in a holy place can mean living in your own home which has been sanctified by the presence of the Deity, transcendental literature, the sound of the holy names and distribution of krsna-prasada.
Ladies, take care of your health, both material and spiritual. Stay clean. Keep your immune system strong.* Eat only fresh krsna prasadam and only when you are hungry. Eat only enough to fill your stomach 3/4 full. Srila Prabhupada said that we should eat only what we "are able to easily digest." Drink plenty of water every day. Exercise daily. Get enough sleep. And be happy. If you are constantly associating with Lord Sri Krsna--the reservoir of all happiness--in the form of His holy names and rendering loving, devotional service to His lotus feet, you will be able to always remain happy.
Overall, if we have a cheerful outlook, remain clean and regulated in our daily activities, perform our sadhana and our daily duties with love and devotion, and observe proper eating and sleeping habits, drink plenty of water, get some daily exercise, and keep our creative side nurtured by using it in Krsna's service, we will remain both spiritually and materially healthy. And a healthy, cheerful wife is a source of great enthusiasm for a man.
Dear Lord, please help me to remember that this body belongs to You. Kindly help me to desire to keep my body healthy so that I can use it in Your service and the service of Your devotees. Please help me to remember that You are the fire of digestion, and help me to control my tongue so that I will always eat Your prasadam, and only eat what I am able to easily digest. Thank You, Lord.
* One of the best immune system fortifiers on the planet is Septilin, aka "Immuno-Care" put out by HimalayaHerbals. I have never tried the liquid, but I take two tablets a day all year round.
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